Free for All Games

Created by J Everett Nichol

Pre-Order VOID, a free and open source game by Free for All Media.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Almost home
about 1 year ago – Mon, Sep 18, 2023 at 12:38:42 PM

We're in the final 72 hours of the campaign! It has been a major success and I'm so pleased with the reception so far. We're closing in on $14,000 and our fifth stretch goal. 

The last days of a campaign can bring in a lot of new backers, and I'm hoping that will be the case here too. To prepare for it, I've added stretch goals all the way up to $20k with goodies such as playmat addons, more expansions to the base mission, a new Counselor crew card, and even, if we reach $20,000, a whole second mission. This mission has been playtested but not to the degree of the main one, and so will undergo serious testing if the goal is reached. It is a tale of first contact gone wrong, and features ship to ship combat. If we reach that goal, then every backer will also receive this second mission, giving you what amounts to a free expansion. So if you want these bonuses and goodies, please help spread the word. If you know someone you think might love this, send them the link directly. If you talked to someone already, remind them. But even if you can't or don't want to help with the final push, know that I deeply value your support.

In other news, all Synth spots have sold out, but two First Officer spots have been unlocked and every game will now include the First Officer as a crew option. There is still one of Kim Holm's paintings for the campaign left, an awesome illustration of an android. So snap that up before someone else does. Below is a Synth card featuring the likeness of my own partner, painted by me during the campaign to give you a taste of what the crew portraits will be like.

Thank you for your support. I'll see you on the other side of the wormhole. 


Almost to our third stretch goal
about 1 year ago – Mon, Sep 11, 2023 at 12:41:27 PM

New week, new update.

We blew right through the second stretch goal and have been testing the third, which will add more Mission Cards to the game. All of the original crew spots are sold out, but there are still two Synth spots from the stretch goal available, so if Bishop is your fav character in Alien, or Data is your fav on TNG, there's still a chance to grab a spot. The fourth stretch goal is also posted which will add a new First Officer crew card to every copy of VOID. Kim Holm's paintings are also almost sold out with only his Synth/ Cyborg illustration remaining for purchase.

Also, since a couple of folks have asked to learn more about the rules, here's a preview doc. Keep in mind this is not the pretty version you will find in your rulebooks, but just an easily parse-able google doc, and subject to small changes as production draws nearer (which btw is happening, it's still sinking in that I get to make this game, thank you!)

Ruleset Preview 

Thank you all so much for your support. I'm excited to see how far we can get in this final stretch.

First stretch goal met!
about 1 year ago – Mon, Sep 04, 2023 at 12:40:57 PM

Hello fellow space explorers,

I'm happy to announce that a few days ago we reached our first Stretch Goal! This means every game of VOID will come with an additional crew member called the Synth. It also means there are two more alternate art crew card slots available if any of you have long dreamed of being an android.

The next stretch goal at $12,000 will further expand the game by including an additional endgame card for the base mission. It also means a new illustration will be made and released under an open license for anyone to use.

In other exciting news, I've been talking with an accomplished software engineer about the possibility of creating an electronic VOID experience. So keep an eye out for that as a possible future stretch goal or development by Free for All. What would you most like to see? A VOID mobile app, Desktop app, an official VOID offering on Tabletop Simulator? Let me know in the comments.

Future stretch goals will be posed on the campaign page, so if you end up curious, check there in the next day or so for a more complete list of what to expect as we continue this journey together.

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Fully Funded!
about 1 year ago – Tue, Aug 29, 2023 at 10:49:38 AM

We've met our goal in under a week! Thank you so much for your belief in the project. I'm so excited to get this game into your hands. The first stretch goal is now active. Update frequency will be lower from now on. Thank you again!

Just Funded

93% funded, first stretch goal and my birthday is tomorrow!
about 1 year ago – Mon, Aug 28, 2023 at 12:04:33 PM

First of all, I'd like to offer a big thank you to everyone who has pledged. I am so grateful for your support. We're in the home stretch now, and need less than $600 to reach our initial goal. That means two things; first I need a little push to get me past the finish line, and second it's time to start thinking about stretch goals since we're likely to get funded so early.

As for the push, you've done enough by supporting free culture and independent designers, but if you'd like to go a little further, please reach out to some friends you think might like the game and let them know we're on the cusp of completing our mission. Or consider nabbing one of the few remaining crew portraits, or getting an Extra Copy add-on as a gift for someone.

As for the second, stretch goals; if we reach $10,000, every game of VOID will include a new crew member; the Synth.  How many classic space disaster movies included an aloof and possibly murderous synthetic human as part of the crew? The Synth will be able to take damage cards on other players behalf and have an affinity for technology.

Synth preview

Lastly, as an aside, it's my birthday tomorrow, and it would be really lovely to finish funding by the end of the day. If it doesn't happen, the mission continues, but if you have a chance, I'd love your help in seeing my goal fulfilled. Thank you so much for you support.