Free for All Games

Created by J Everett Nichol

Pre-Order VOID, a free and open source game by Free for All Media.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Happy New Year Intrepid Explorers
9 months ago – Tue, Jan 02, 2024 at 01:49:12 PM

Exciting news, all but one of the backer portraits is done (if you backed at the portrait level and haven't gotten me your photos, please do so now as I have to move forward to final prototype and it will soon be too late). The rulebook is being laid out, then it's on to the printing and publication process, then shipping the game to you. 

Again, I appreciate your support so much, both for me and for free culture. Speaking of which, happy belated public domain day to one and all. I'm excited to bring you more new soon and showcase some of the backer portraits (once all have signed off on their final designs). Here's to a new year full of care, learning and exploration!

Development Update
10 months ago – Wed, Nov 29, 2023 at 02:08:47 PM

Hello everyone, 

I just wanted to reach out to everyone for an update on the progress on VOID. The penultimate prototype came in and looks beautiful. It's seen heavy additional playtest to look for any kinks (very few to speak of I'm happy to say) and the game is feeling really solid and mature. Solo play has also been getting a lot of attention to make sure each of the crew cards feel viable in that style of play. 

I've also updated some of the card art which I didn't think was up to my standards. Here's an example:

The new illustration for Irrigation Leak

Aside from that I've been hacking away on all the backer portraits for those backers who chose to join the crew. I'm over half-way done with all the illustrations, but several backers still haven't sent me pictures to work from to paint them. So if you forked over the cash to join the crew, please reach out to me here, or check your kickstarter messages to ensure I have the images in time to paint you. I can't guarantee I'll be able to include any backer portraits whose photographs aren't received before the end of December.

A generous backer as The Captain

Speaking of which, because of a dropped pledge, there is still one crew spot left open. If you're interested in joining the crew and being able to play the game as yourself, head to the pre-orders page and grab your spot. While you're there, there are VOID game mats and a one-of-a-kind illustration by Kim Holm still available.


Thank you all again for your support. I have chosen to not send a ton of messages after the campaign so as not to inundate my backers with details, but rest assured the game is very much in development and is progressing apace.

Funds received, portraits under way, pre-order store operational
12 months ago – Mon, Oct 09, 2023 at 03:15:49 PM

Hey everyone! 

Things are progressing apace. Kickstarter finally sent the funds you so graciously provided, and there were very few dropped pledges due to inactive cards, which is great news. I have begun working on the crew portraits for the backers who pledged at those levels, and was delighted to discover that one of said backers works for NASA (though that is not to say NASA endorses or is even aware of this project at all, of course). 

Both fortunately and unfortunately, one of the three dropped pledges was at a portrait tier. I recently opened the pre-order store for the game on Backerkit, and so I made that portrait slot available for the time I am working on portraits only. So if you or someone you know wanted to join the crew and have your likeness included in the game, but couldn't afford it during the campaign, you have a little time to hop on it.

Additionally, the one original painting by Kim Holm made especially to promote the game is also available for purchase for a short time on the pre-order store.

Already got the game and don't want to level up to the higher tiers? You might still want to check out the pre-order store to get ahold of custom VOID playmats which will have all the locations for the games cards marked out for ease-of-play, and will help protect your cards.

 Free for All Pre-Order Store 

Thank you all for your support. Things are going according to plan and I'm so excited to get this game in your hands and keep building free-culture with games and entertainment.

Launch Successful
12 months ago – Thu, Sep 21, 2023 at 03:37:40 PM

At the danger of mixing my prior metaphors, the launch has been a complete success. The final total was $16,508 usd, and you all unlocked two new crew cards for a total of eight options, four new mission cards and two new endgame cards in addition to a custom VOID Playmat as an add-on (something that will also be available in the coming pre-order store for those that missed a chance to grab one). I also have some other things in the works that I hope will allow me to thank you all more profusely.

I'm so excited by the brief conversations I've already had with people about print-and-plays, translations, and digital versions of the game. I love open source and creative commons and I'm hopeful others will be able to build on this.

I'm deeply grateful to Kim Holm, another artist who creates free culture art and who was a big help to me in this campaign. Check him out on tik tok, youtube or instagram @denungeherrholm

But most of all I really want to thank you. It doesn't feel real yet to me that I finally get to make this game that I've poured so much into. You made this possible and I can't thank you enough.

You'll hear from me again soon (but not too much, I promise).

J Everett

Free for All Media

Last 24 hours
12 months ago – Wed, Sep 20, 2023 at 11:06:38 AM

It is the final day, and all that's left aside from the base game is one of the awesome Kim Holm portraits (the Android), and two First Officer slots. Those alone would push us over 16k. So if you have backed but you want a piece of art made custom for the campaign and made famous on Tik Tok, or to play yourself as a member of the crew and show your friends you're in the game (and in space). Hop on those while you still can.

Aside from that, there's much I'd like to say by way of thanks, but I'll save that for tomorrow. But for now, a simple but sincere thank you, I hope, will suffice.